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Last Updated: 6/4/02

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Welcome back! It's been a while since I've updated this site, and I hope you like the changes. I decided it was time that I made this page actually mean something. So, I am trying to get a comprehensive guide to the Shadow. Between the various Shadow sites out there, almost every pulp and radio show is on the internet. If it's not already up, it's going to be up soon. Here, I will try to get everything together so that you can see exactly what is available where.

My first goal is to keep the pulp list updated. I don't have any pulps on this site at all. Instead, I will add links to the pulp list that can take you to the site that does have the pulp. You may notice some pulps have the format box filled in, but no link. That is because a pulp did exist online, but cannot be found at this time for some reason. I am working on a way to find those missing e-pulps.

I'm also trying to find covers to all Shadow comics made. As I find them, they will be added to the gallery. I'll try to cover every Shadow comic from the 1940's to the present. So far, I've gotten the entire Dark Horse Shadow gallery up, and a couple of Golden Age covers. I'm trying hard to find the DC covers, as they were some of the best Shadow adventures in the medium.

So, pulps, radio shows, and comic book covers - this site strives to be comprehensive. I'm not trying to say this will be the best Shadow site, but it will come close to being the most comprehensive guide to the Shadow. It should be a good starting point for anyone looking to learn about this great character.